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Real Estate Agency Relationships

If you decide to make an offer to purchase a particular property, the agent must enter into a written agency agreement with you before making an offer on your behalf.

Search Listings

When hundreds of homes are on the market, narrowing down the results based on your desired search criteria may become tiresome. Our systems are able to add many more filter options to find homes that fit all or most of your needs.

Tour Available Homes

Who can enter a stranger's home without going to jail?

A real estate agent!


A real estate transaction has two sides: the buyer and the seller. Buyers are looking for the best bang for their buck, while sellers may be looking for the highest net profit. The goal of real estate agents is to negotiate until desired terms are reached by both parties. 

Prepare an Offer

Agents have the expertise needed to help create a strong offer to help you stand out.

Handle Setbacks

Ever wonder what happens after your offer is accepted?!

Alot of "behind the scenes" coordination is going on between agents, loan teams, vendors, and the closing attorney while you're gathering and submitting documents requested by your lender.

Let's Get Started

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